Email Data
Lead Finance

    Reach your target audience with our Michigan email list

    Michigan, a state known for its automotive industry, advanced manufacturing, and flourishing technology sector, offers immense potential for business growth. Expand your reach in the Great Lakes State with our verified email list.

    Whether you're targeting executives in the automotive sector in Detroit, entrepreneurs in the tech startup scene in Ann Arbor, or professionals in the healthcare industry in Grand Rapids, our comprehensive database provides accurate and reliable contact information. Connect with key decision-makers, explore new partnerships, and capitalize on the opportunities available in the diverse and dynamic market of Michigan using our verified email list.

    Date of Last Update - 22nd of June 2023

    Data Structure of Single Michigan Contact

    First Name
    Last Name
    Job Title
    Sr. Director of Training and Technical Assistance
    Email Address
    Cell Number
    +1 90****2-8395
    Alaska Primary Care Association
    Phone Number
    Fax Number
    Select Package
    Email Outreach Package
    166,251 Direct Email Contacts
    Complete Marketing Package
    166,251 Direct Email Contacts

    Data Fields of Email Outreach Package

    First Name
    Last Name
    Job Title
    Email Address
    Email Outreach Package
    166,251 B2B Email Contacts

    Stats of Our Michigan B2B Email List

    First Name:
    Email Address:
    Cell Numbers:
    Linkedin Profiles:
    Phone Numbers:
    Fax Numbers:

    Here are more details about the Michigan business database

    Diverse Data Collection (166,251 contacts exist) - Our Michigan B2B Email List boasts an extensive and diverse data collection, comprising a staggering 166,251 contacts. With such a vast database at your fingertips, you can tap into a wide range of industries, sectors, and professionals in Michigan. Whether you're seeking potential clients, business partners, or decision-makers, our list provides you with an unparalleled opportunity to connect with the right people and expand your network.
    High-Quality Leads - We take immense pride in offering high-quality leads through our Michigan B2B Email List. Our meticulous data collection process ensures that every contact on our list is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant to your business needs. By focusing on quality, we strive to provide you with leads that have a higher potential for conversion, enabling you to maximize your marketing efforts and drive business growth.
    Targeted Marketing - Targeting the right audience is crucial for any successful marketing campaign, and our Michigan B2B Email List is designed precisely for that purpose. With a comprehensive range of industry-specific contacts, you can precisely tailor your marketing messages to resonate with your target audience. Whether you're promoting a product, service, or business opportunity, our list empowers you to engage with the right prospects and improve the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.
    Adjustable Pricing Options - We understand that every business has unique requirements and budgets, which is why we offer adjustable pricing options to cater to your specific needs. Whether you prefer a focused email outreach campaign or a comprehensive marketing package, our flexible pricing structure allows you to choose the solution that aligns perfectly with your budget and objectives. We believe in providing value for your investment, and our pricing options are designed to deliver just that.
    Cost-Effective Compared to Competitors - When it comes to affordability, we stand out from our competitors. We have diligently crafted our pricing to be cost-effective while maintaining the highest quality standards. Our Michigan B2B Email List offers exceptional value for your money, providing you with access to a vast number of contacts at a competitive price. We prioritize your success and aim to deliver the best return on your investment, making us the smart choice for your B2B marketing needs in Michigan.
    Target Audience for this list - The Michigan B2B Email List is specifically tailored for businesses looking to expand their reach and forge meaningful connections within the Michigan market. Our list encompasses various industries and sectors, including manufacturing, healthcare, technology, finance, and more. It is ideal for entrepreneurs, marketers, sales professionals, and business owners who want to engage with decision-makers, key influencers, and potential clients in Michigan. By leveraging our targeted audience, you can unlock new opportunities and drive business growth in this vibrant region.
    Positive Independent Reviews (Positive reviews in ReviewDrop) - At ReviewDrop, our Michigan B2B Email List has garnered rave reviews from satisfied customers. The positive independent reviews speak volumes about the quality, reliability, and effectiveness of our services. With a proven track record of delivering tangible results, our list has been recognized by numerous businesses for its accuracy, responsiveness, and contribution to their marketing success. When you choose our Michigan B2B Email List, you can be confident that you are making a sound investment backed by the trust and positive experiences of our valued clients.

    Benefits of Our Michigan B2B Email List

    Discover the full potential of our Michigan B2B Email List! Our comprehensive directory includes verified email IDs, phone numbers, company names, office addresses, and other key details.

    Are you looking to enhance your brand marketing strategy? Look no further than email marketing, which drives up to 90% of sales for many businesses. With our Michigan email marketing lists, boasting a count of 166,251, we offer a deliverability rate of 95%, ensuring a successful campaign.

    We offer high-quality telemarketing lists, including 8,128 mobile numbers for potential customers, all at an affordable rate for businesses in the USA. Our Michigan lists provide a straightforward and effective approach, allowing you to directly contact prospects for a fast response.

    If you're specifically targeting Michigan, our list of names, addresses, and fax numbers is the perfect solution. With a count of 1824 fax numbers for Michigan, you can quickly and easily send information to key decision-makers without waiting for a response.

    Looking for a comprehensive approach to reach potential customers? Look no further than our email lists, featuring a count of 8,128 phone numbers to help you connect with a diverse range of prospects.

    If you're looking to specifically target Michigan, our Direct Mailing Lists can help. With a count of 8,651 addresses for Michigan, you can conveniently reach top-level executives and increase your chances of a successful marketing campaign.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    No, all the contacts in our list are unique, so you won't receive any duplicates.

    We update our list every three months to ensure that you receive only fresh and valid contacts. As of today, our Michigan B2B Email List contains 166,251 contacts.

    We accept major credit card payments such as VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover via PayPal payment gateway. PayPal is 100% secured payment method for buyers. Therefore, your payment is secured.

    We also accept Bitcoin payments which will be processed via and is 100% secured.

    You can download the Michigan List directly from the dashboard of our website. You can download it for 1 year and will get the latest updates every three months.

    Yes, our files are in CSV format, therefore you can easily feed them to any CRM platform.

    Yes, you can purchase a B2B Email based on your specific requirements. We have not listed all of our contacts yet, so please feel free to contact us for custom requirements.

    These data were collected from publicly available sources, LinkedIn, Yellow pages, Yelp, associations, MLS, licensing boards, government databases, and more.

    Yes, we will sell actual contact files to you. You will get complete access to this file. You will get 100% ownership of the files.